
Monday, December 13, 2010

Night(s) at The Museum: Final Project

Vistiors of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Photograph courtesy of artchitect Copleand Casati

RICHMOND—The arrival of the winter holidays makes it difficult for most Richmond-area residents to focus on much of anything but their preparation, but there are many opportunities for community involvement at Richmond’s premier museums and recreation facilities. The Children’s Museum of Richmond, the Science Museum of Virginia, and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts offer many programs and activities for the entire family to enjoy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Night(s) at The Museum: Final Project - Timeline, Science Museum of Virginia

Photography courtesy of Digistar Planetarium

The following URLopens an interactive timeline of the establishment and function of the Science Museum of Richmond, one of several who offer exciting new learning opportunities year-round.

All information is courtesy of the official website of the Science Museum of Virginia:

Night(s) at The Museum: Final Project - Video

This video accompanies my final project article about community involvement in programs and activities offered at museums throughout the City of Richmond.
All footage was shot on Monday, December 6.

The Maymont Foundation makes intensive plans to maintain park grounds

Photography courtesy of Siedah Holmes

RICHMONDThe rolling hills and vibrant fall foliage of Maymont Park require more financial and physical maintenance than meets the eye.

The Shepherd's Center of Richmond puts a new spin on retirement

*Originally written on October 13 
Photography courtesy of The Shepherd's Center of Richmond

RICHMOND—In a world where average college student is a 20-something faced with mid-term exams and student loan repayments, the Shepherd’s Center of Richmond’s Open University, in various locations throughout the Richmond metropolitan area, provides for a new kind of student: one that is 50 years of age “or better.” Carol Harris, the University’s coordinator, recently talked about its benefits.

Days in the Life of a Church of God member

I've been a member of the Church of God in Richmond for almost a year, and I can truly say that being a part of such a beautiful and loving spiritual family has a brought a new-found sense of happiness and purpose to my life. Here are a series of photographs from days that my brothers and sisters and I have spent together.
All photographs were originally taken on November 20 and November 25.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Student Profile: Baird Williamson

*Originally written on Sept. 15, 2010

Photo courtesy of Baird Williamson

RICHMOND—Among a crowd of your run-of-the-mill first-time college students at Virginia Commonwealth University, Baird "Barry" Williamson is an anomaly. He currently has an Associates of Science degree with a focus in chemistry, but at 29, he is now pursuing a degree in Mass Communications with a concentration in broadcast journalism—a feat nearly six years in the making.